Friday, March 27, 2009


So I am trying to get in the habit of coming here. I am also trying to get used to grabbing my camera. Kinda need to work on both.

As many people know - I am a complete psycho freak about eyeballs - they freak me out, I want to barf when people talk about them etc... so I have a "good" eyeball story to tell and that I want to remember.

My brother - who is kinda a person of very few words, he has been doing my moms kitchen for months now. He is down to filling in nail holes and taking after pictures. He chose hickory for the cabinets which is an extrememly hard wood with knots. He worked on the cabinets at his work for many weeks before bringing them down to her house. She didn't like the look of the natural knots so he did everything he could to smooth them out or get rid of them. Just the other day after months of working and looking at the kitchen... he was going over his "mistakes" that he could only get away with in his moms kitchen. He told her that he left this one knot in one of the cabinets to represent my dads eye watching over her always. AWWWW! Needless to say it broke my moms heart as well as mine and thought it was so special. So now everytime I walk in my moms kitchen I will forever see an EYE!!!! But for once I don't mind. Thank you so much Jeff!!!


  1. I love this story and it is funny because of your eyeball thing! How sweet of Jeff! :) Good thinkin', Jeff!

    (PS I can't wait to see the new kitchen and the eyeball!)

    Love ya,

  2. I can't believe we were talking about eyeballs today and you didn't tell me this story! How sweet is that?!
