Monday, May 4, 2009

My first nature pictures

So I get a call at 8:15 in the morning by Angie inviting me to go on a photography drive. First, I have wanted to do this for quite a while. Second, I REALLY need to learn my camera better and Third, I REALLY need to get out of the house. SO off I went with a low battery and no idea how to use my camera.

This is one of the first photos taken with something other than AUTO.

Impressive - Right? Ok not so much - but I was excited that I learned how to do that blurry thing. I have to say 4 woman taking pictures of buds, bugs, pine cones, ANYTHING with color, and twigs may look crazy to some people. Lord help us if a bird sat on a tree or a bee buzzed... cameras were ready for anything! So here is a few more that I personally am impressed with because I actually focused myself!

Sure am loving that blurry thing. Since my dad died, I just haven't cared about much. I do what I have to to get through each day. Hopefully my kids feel how much I love them but other than that I just haven't cared. Needless to say I have sat in our house for almost 2 years. OK so I wasn't exactly active before but... after today, I can actually say I breathed oxygen, walked for like ever, and actually enjoyed living so thank you ladies. I had a great time.

Now if I can just learn how to take pictures of people and if I can learn photoshop ~ OH MY, I will be so happy. In due time!!!


  1. Amy,

    I am jealous...I want to do this too!!! I LOVE your nature pictures already! You are a natural!

    Love ya,
    M :)

  2. Amy!! You did really, really great with these. Even though I love portrait photography more than anything else, nature photography sure comes in a close second. I'm glad that today was fun for you. I'm already looking forward to our next day out!
