Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Day at my moms

My mom definately makes up for my lack of ambition ~ holy cow, I don't think she has sat down for more than 5 minutes in the last 3 months (well 40 years!!). She is a very driven person, she makes me look REALLY bad! Anyways, she INSISTS on US having a garage sale. I am a firm believer in GIVING everything away. AND do you know how much energy and sweat a garage sale takes!! Garage sale means lots and lots of sorting and going through stuff. YUCK. But my mommy said I have to so - OK we'll do it! SO now that I am on my photography kick, I grabbed my camera and I went to moms.

On the way - I noticed some more beautiful flowers. Actually I am quite obsessed. I am sure this phase will pass but bear with me while I take a gabillion pictures of every weed, flower or leaf.

If you went down to moms house while dad was alive, there is a HUGE chance you would walk in to the sound of machines going, hammering or sawing. He loved woodworking, fishing, and just putsing around in "his basement". SO guess where we got to spend time today. It is almost haunting to go down there. Every inch of it SCREAMS him. He had tons and tons of tools, nails, wood, machines etc. That isn't what bothers me - it is the home made organizers, the color coded hammers, the drawers and bins that sorted every single nail, screw, hinge etc. There was a place for EVERYTHING. Pictures really don't tell the whole story but thought I would try. He could use anything to make an organizer!

So after that we got to go outside to look at my moms pretty flowers. I couldn't help but take a picture of her. Isn't she beautiful!!! (just think if I knew how to use photoshop!!)

So I am so obsessed with nature shots right now - so very very pretty. Thanks Bea and Angie for teaching me a little about my camera.

I guess this blog is my therapy right now. Maybe I will start taking pictures of actual people soon, we'll see.


  1. Awwwww...can't believe you guys went in the basement! Your dad was such so special in so many ways...I wish he could have taught me some of his organization!!!

    I love your pictures and of course I love the one of your (our) mom! :) Oh, your mom's energy...I wish I had an ounce of it myself! How did and do our mom's do it?!?!?!

    When is the garage sale? Awww....makes me think of those Seville garage sales we did!!!!!

  2. Thanks Michele, Our moms - OH MY!! Did you see the picture I added of the eye?? Weird huh?

  3. Oh my gosh, that IS an eye!!!! Wow!!!! Pretty neat though!

  4. I love the drill bit organizer...I'm sure your dad made that!

  5. Your dad's shop was amazing Amy. Bill would probably go crazy if he got to play around in there for a day or so. I'll never forget all the work your dad did around our house to help us out. He was awesome!

    Your nature photos are rockin'!
